Mission Statement of the Environmental Justice Team:
The Environmental Justice Team, understanding the urgent necessity to act to improve our stewardship of God’s creation, works with each other and others to identify areas of environmental concern, and to promote sustainable and responsive environmental practices in our church, our community and the world through collective and personal advocacy and action…..
Goals of the Environmental Justice Team for 2023-2024:
Collaborate and co-sponsor with other faith communities to develop and present forums, speakers, or activities promoting environmental justice with a particular focus on climate anxiety.
Keep the congregation informed as to the actions of our local, state and federal governments. Encourage members to take action and communicate with our legislators regarding environmental issues.
Educate members of the congregation on the Environmental Voters Project to encourage the support of candidates running for public office that value protecting the local and global environment over the near and long term.
Work to encourage our congregation and individual members to invest any endowments into green and socially responsible companies, only using companies who themselves lend and invest in green companies.
Investigate the dangers and uses of plastics. Educate our congregation regarding the same.
Provide a short weekly info column in the e-blast offering environmental tips, action items, or concerns.
Continue to evaluate and “green” our church building and premises, and address the deficits.
If you are interested in joining the Environmental Justice Team, please send an email to office@firstchurchlongmeadow.org or call our church office at 413-567-6287.