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The History of First Church of Christ in Longmeadow


History of the Building and Grounds


     The original Meeting House was constructed in 1716, after 40 years of debate with Springfield officials and final approval in the General Court of Boston. The building, which was relatively small (only 32 feet by 38 feet), was located where the flagpole is now standing on the Green. The nearly square unpainted building had a pyramidal roof with a central bell tower. The first bell was installed 27 years later. During the interim, Nathaniel Burt was paid 10 shillings a year ($2) to go up and down the street beating a drum announcing the services


     In 1729, after years of debate, it was agreed to lath and plaster the interior of the building. There were only two windows, located on the south side. In August of 1743, two more windows were added on the north side, one on each side of the pulpit. There was no heat in the building and the congregation sat on benches until about 1745, when square pews were added, a few at a time.  Read More...

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