Ruth Perry Music Award
Due: May 22, 2023

The Ruth Perry Award was established by First Church through donations from its members to honor Ruth Perry, who was music director from 1931 to 1971, for her contributions to the musical ministry of First Church. The intent of the award is to recognize those graduating high school seniors who have participated significantly in the musical life of the church.
Each year the Music Team may vote to award one or more awards from the interest accrued in the Ruth Perry Award Fund. The recipient(s) and the amount(s) of the individual award(s) will be determined by a majority vote of members of the Music Team, the Minister and Director of Music. It will be the prerogative of the Music Team to abstain from awarding any grant in any given year.
The application is open to high school seniors. The award(s) will be given on a Sunday in June.
Application Process
You can now fill out the application online, for the Ruth Perry Music Award (scroll down to find the application.)
You may also download a .pdf version of the application HERE, and email it to
The application deadline is: May 22, 2023
The Recipient must:
be a member of First Church.
be a graduating high school senior who is pursuing post high school studies.
have been an active participant in the musical life of First Church. Examples of active participation are:
Membership in church musical organizations
Instrumental performance at church services
Musical participation at other church activities
Assistance to the Director of Music; assistance at church-related musical functions; cataloging of music; other assistance at the discretion of the Director of Music.
First consideration will be given to college bound students who plan to pursue a musical career, or a major in music. Good Luck!