Social Justice Team
The Social Justice Team of First Church is a dedicated group of Christian activists who have engaged in a number of activities to further the realm of justice and increase our own understanding of ourselves and our history. Most recently we have participated in vigils and marches against gun violence, stand-outs protesting racism and anti-asian hate, sponsored book and film study and discussion, partnered with the Pioneer Valley Project and the Longmeadow Anti-Racist Coalition to study police reform and other issues, and collaborated with the Adult Ed Team for “The Stolen Beam” course on reparations sponsored by the Jewish Community of Amherst.
This team is extremely honored to have been chosen to receive a 2022 Social Justice Award from the Martin Luther King Jr. Family Services of Springfield, the first faith-based organization to receive the award. Future plans include collaboration with the Adult Ed Team to offer a book discussion on anti-Semitism and a series of programs examining our church’s and town’s history in relation to slavery. Our first pastor, the Reverend Stephen Williams, owned slaves as did other prominent Longmeadow citizens. Some of those enslaved persons were members of our church. We want to honor their names and memory.
If you would like to be involved with the First Church of Christ Social Justice Team, please reach out to

Members of the First Church Social Justice Team at a vigil for Ukraine at the Jewish Community Center of Springfield. 🇺🇦💛💙