Church School
Jesus said: “Let the children come to me.”
At First Church, we extend this same welcome. Our Christian Education program begins with our Nursery and Pre-K (ages 0-5 years) program and continues with Church School for grades K-3 and 4-5; Pre-Confirmation and Church Services for grades 6-8; and Confirmation classes for grades 7+. Our children are invited to become members of First Church after completing Confirmation classes. We also have additional youth programs for 6-8th grade and 9-12th grade students.
If you would like to register your child, please fill out the registration form linked below (and read our First Church Safe Conduct Policies). Please contact our Family Ministries Director, Marilyn Paul-Lewis with any questions: We look forward to serving your youth!

Sunday Nursery & Pre-K Room (ages 0-5 years)
This usually meets during worship year-round.
Babies, toddlers and children in pre-K (ages 0-5 years old) are welcome to join us in our Preschool room on the second floor. Nurturing care with storytelling and play around Christian faith themes! The room is staffed with a lead teacher and assistant each week.
Church School (Grades K-3 and 4-5)
These classes meet during worship year round.
Weekly class led by teachers Carolyn McGarr and Elaine Booke
Bible stories, essentials of Christian faith, link to Sunday adult worship
1st Sunday of the Month children will be in church for their church school instruction with their families.

COOP (Curious On Our Path) for Grades 6-12
This class meets September-June.
Stay in worship, then join Crystal, our youth leader, for tailored lesson and Sermon Talk-Back after the sermon in each service.
Middle School and High School Youth Group
Youth Group activities will be planned on the weekends.

One Year Confirmation
for Grades 7+
This class meets 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays in September - May
Confirmation classes are lead by Pastor Bixby and Wanona Dobbs.